Category Archives: Business Law

How the Best Trademark Lawyer Helps Secure Your Brand Identity

There are a lot of new firms and entrepreneurs in the Dallas region. Starting a business involves many steps, including writing a business plan, making marketing collateral, and obtaining funding. Trademark enforcement and protection is one area that frequently suffers from neglect. A Dallas trademark attorney, however, can be of assistance.

A term, phrase, symbol, sound, or design that sets one company’s goods or services apart from another is known as a Dallas trademark. Protecting a trademark is crucial because it not only makes your items easier for customers to recognize, but it also serves as a powerful indicator of their dependability and quality. The top Dallas trademark attorneys can assist you in obtaining and enforcing your trademarks and are skilled in navigating the complexity of intellectual property law.

Selecting a Trademark
Company names, logos, and slogans are the most prevalent forms of trademarks. A strong brand will be distinctive and simple for customers to recognize. However, there are a lot of aspects to take into account, making the selecting process challenging. A competent Dallas trademark attorney can assist you choose a powerful mark and steer clear of ones that might be diluted or confused with other marks.

A trademark may be registered at the state or federal level in the United States. State-level registrations only give protection in the state where the mark is registered; federal registrations offer protection across the nation. A Dallas trademark lawyer can help you weigh the advantages and disadvantages of registering at the state or federal level.

The first step in the trademark registration procedure is submitting an application to the Texas Secretary of State. A list of all the goods and/or services you use or plan to use the mark for, a description of the mark, and an example of how the mark will look on your goods or services must all be included in the application. Each item or service should be stated separately, and the list has to be divided into groups. Selecting the classes that best represent your company is crucial. The USPTO has 45 distinct classes for products and services.

Subsequently, a federal trademark application must be submitted to the USPTO. You must enforce your trademark against anybody who tries to use a similar mark on a comparable item or service after it has been registered. A knowledgeable Dallas trademark attorney can help you enforce your rights, which may involve filing a federal lawsuit or mailing a cease and desist letter.

It might be difficult to choose the top business law company in Dallas, but Lead Counsel makes it simple to choose a reliable lawyer. The Lead Counsel rating service has independently confirmed that every business attorney on our website satisfies strict requirements and upholds a high degree of professionalism. To begin your case with a local Dallas business attorney, complete our short form.