Finding the Best Child Support Attorney in West Palm Beach
Child support is a major issue in many divorce cases and paternity actions, and it can be very complex to determine what payments should be made. An experienced attorney can help you understand the laws regarding these payments and work with the other party to reach an agreement.
Having an experienced West Palm Beach child support lawyer by your side can ensure that you receive the money you are owed. This is important because child support can make a significant difference in your financial situation. It is also important to keep in mind that you can modify an existing child support order if there has been a substantial change in circumstances.
A West Palm Beach child support attorney can help you establish or enforce a custody arrangement, as well as file petitions for modification of the original arrangement. They can also work with the local child support enforcement agency to enforce current payments and work towards collecting any outstanding arrears. A child support lawyer can also discuss with you the possibility of a lump sum payment instead of ongoing monthly payments.
The Law Offices of Robert M.W. Shalhoub provides quality family law representation for clients throughout the region. Its child and spousal support lawyers are experienced, knowledgeable and dedicated to their clients’ needs. They use their 35 years of legal experience, in-depth knowledge of Florida state child and spousal support guidelines, courtroom skills and attentive personal service to achieve resolutions that reflect client goals.
Vette Law provides personalized and comprehensive representation to individuals in family-related legal matters in Florida. Its attorneys are trained in mediation and collaborative law, and they strive to reach amicable settlements out of court. Its practice areas include domestic violence, divorce, custody, child and spousal support, and other related issues.
If your ex-spouse is not paying the amount of child support that they owe, you should contact an experienced child support attorney as soon as possible. They can explain your rights and help you take the necessary steps to get the payments you are owed. A skilled West Palm Beach child support lawyer can also help you enforce your rights if the other party fails to comply with a court order. They can enforce these orders by revocation of the offender’s driver’s license, denying passport applications, issuing income deduction orders, intercepting tax refunds, lottery winnings, workers’ compensation benefits, insurance settlements and freezing bank accounts.
A West Palm Beach child support lawyer can review your circumstances and help you develop an effective strategy to obtain the funds that you are owed. They can assist you in establishing or modifying child support obligations, and they can help you address any issues that may arise in the future. They can also help you enforce these payments if the other party fails to comply with your current orders. For more information, see the Florida Department of Revenue website on child support services. They can provide you with information about the state’s child support payment center, as well as online child support payments and enforcement.